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The steady growth of foreign trade for new advantages

2015-03-20 16:22:25 点击数:

The general administration of customs of the newly released statistics show that in January, China import and export gross double drop. Among them, the export of 1.23 trillion yuan, down 3.2%; Imports of 0.86 trillion yuan, down 19.7%; Trade surplus of 366.9 billion yuan, expanding by 87.5%.

It is important to note that in January, by the general administration of customs export leading index is 38.6, down 1.5 in December last year. Since last October, the index decline in four months in a row, indicated in the first quarter this year, and at the beginning of the second quarter of China's exports are still facing downward pressure.

Grasp the "big market", foreign trade development pays attention to the quality, and the efficiency

Along with the economic development into the new normal, our country foreign trade also into steady growth, structural adjustment and quality characteristics of the new normal.

"Look from the international market, in 2012, our country export accounts for the international market share is 12.2%, the trade structure and trade pattern has obvious changes have taken place." Customs chief of staff, news spokesman guang-zhi zhang thinks, in the past, our country mainly through the output quality and cheap low-end products, occupy the international market share; Now, countries is generally to expand exports as an important means to promote economic recovery and an increasingly competitive international market, looking forward to continue to maintain double-digit growth in export is not reality.

Statistics show that China's import and export growth has three consecutive years lower than the national economic growth. In the future, focus on consolidating the traditional advantage of product market share at the same time, foreign trade policy should be more actively support the development of new forms, new business model, support enterprises to win global market, efforts to promote China's industrial division of labor status in the global value chain, cultivating new foreign trade competitive advantage.

Analysis the cause of the decline in exports in January, the bank of China, chief economist at cao yuanzheng said: "this is mainly because external demand is not straight, the overall world economy still in a downturn, growth in emerging market economies are slowing."

Last year, although the U.S. economic recovery trend is moderate, but at the end of Chen kai-ge, consumer demand is still lower than expected, the European economic recovery remains slow, the last three or four quarters of deflation. Central Banks carry out monetary policy easing at the same time, competitive devaluations, to the competitiveness of Chinese products also brings no small impact.

"Rely on comparative advantage such as labor, resources, to expand exports of phase is over." Executive director of institute of renmin university of China national development and strategic yuan-chun liu thinks, in the face of export downward pressure, in the short term, can adjust the exchange rate, improve export power; But can be by direct funds into the real economy, monetary policy to boost the enterprise vitality. But in the long term, "should strive to lift efficiency, improve the added value of export commodities, gold, realize the transformation and upgrading of foreign trade, in the future, build teaching innovation type, comparative advantage."

"Big balance", promote the import export growth synchronization

Guang-zhi zhang said that China's economy and the global economy has already formed the sometimes-complex mix-and-match, I have you, the pattern of interdependence. The central proposed to more actively promote domestic demand and foreign demand balance, balance imports and exports, foreign investment and foreign investment balance. This is the pattern of China's foreign trade turn, regulation of structure, the basic requirement of steady growth.

Cao yuanzheng, said: "the new normal, we have to look at China's economy from a new Angle, import and export. The past vulgar unsustainable export-oriented economy, now under the new normal import and export in order to achieve balance again."

The import customs statistics show that in January dropped by far more than exports, foreign trade surplus soared. Imports fell, the main reason is that imports the larger international market commodity prices continue to fall, also had a lot to do with the domestic market demand.

"In the face of falling export growth, should maintain a certain concentration, will focus on expanding domestic demand. To break bureaucrats' backs to restructuring, promote reform, livelihood, let consumer becomes the new engine of China's economy." Cao yuanzheng said.

Guang-zhi zhang said, the realization of the "big balance", the customs general administration will continue to study and put forward to increase imports, stable export policy recommendations, seriously develop new methods to adapt to the diverse equilibrium of customs supervision, new measures. At the same time to promote the growth of trade in goods, vigorously promote the new development of trade in services, for high level, "introducing" mass "go out" to create conditions.

"Although the current export pressure, comprehensive competitive advantage of China's foreign trade development still exist." Guang-zhi zhang said, compared to other emerging economies, China's infrastructure, industrial supporting complete, human quality is higher, in the short term industry in our country and developed country on the whole, a complementary structural pattern has not changed radically. Along with our country foreign trade structure optimization and upgrading, development of foreign trade must be able to achieve a new leap.

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