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Comprehensive competitive advantage of China's foreign trade is still there

2015-03-20 15:54:32 点击数:

27 the Chinese ministry of commerce issued a press release, according to Chinese vice premier wang, said in Beijing that the comprehensive competitive advantage of China's foreign trade still exist, with the basis of long-term, stable growth.

Wang Yang is the national foreign trade work in 26 assessments of TV conference call. He stressed that to seriously implement the central economic work conference spirit, adhere to seek improvement in stability, outstanding innovation drive, vigorously promotes the policy implementation, activate market main body, vigorously promote the steady growth of foreign trade and the transformation and upgrading, to speed up cultivating new international competition advantage.

In 2014, wang Yang points out, China's foreign trade maintain steady growth, continue to optimize the structure, quality and efficiency improved significantly, further strengthen trade great-power status, to further improve international market share, and result is hard-won.

Wang Yang stressed that China import and export growth in recent years, is the objective reflect economic development into the new normal, but the comprehensive competitive advantage of China's foreign trade still exist, with the basis of long-term, stable growth. Must maintain composure, confidence and vigor, promote the development of foreign trade to a new level.

Wang pointed out that should further improve the current steady growth, structural adjustment policies, enhance confidence in foreign trade enterprises. To strengthen the work responsibility, local development foreign trade enthusiasm and creativity into full play. We will continue to improve the export tax rebate sharing mechanism, expanding export scale and coverage of the corporation. To actively develop import potential, expand the advanced technology and equipment, key spare parts and consumer goods. Promote the transformation and upgrading of processing trade, accelerate the development of trade in services and service outsourcing.


Wang Yang, with particular emphasis on, to encourage foreign trade business model innovation, break the cross-border e-commerce, integrated service platform, market procurement policy problems in the development of trade. To strengthen the import and export charge regulation, the establishment of charging projects "positive list" system, deepen the close cooperation, improve the level of trade facilitation. Encourages the enterprises to participate in infrastructure cooperation, promote the equipment manufacturing industry to go out, to promote investment and trade integration effectively.

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